Friday, July 27, 2012

Sir Isaac Newton-killin' it since 1642

"An object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion."

Isaac Newton clearly hit up his 24hr sports club on the reg. and ate a clean diet.  In doing so he recognized one of the the most incredible benefits of a healthy lifestyle: it gets easier!  Probably THE hardest part of working out is getting up off that couch or computer chair and into your Nikes.  If your body is used to sitting still it will, (as our randy scholar noted) want to continue to sit.  If you get up and move, it will continue to move.

The human body was designed to do some pretty flipping awesome things.  If we were meant to sit still, a beanbag with a head on top would've sufficed.  Instead we're filled with tendons, and fibers, and muscles, oh my!  Maybe those muscles have been hanging out in the attic for a while, gathering dust, and wondering if they'll be put to use soon.  The hardest part is blowing off those cobwebs and making it WORK.  They may say, "wtff?!#$" for a little while but pretty soon that will turn into "omg!:):)"

Once you get moving and recognize that the beanbag is starting to get some delightful physical benefits, the "getting started" will turn into a habit impossible to ignore.  Granted there are some days when even the most physically-dedicated fellow needs a break.  You don't think our friend Isaac hit up the local watering hole every once in a while?  Take time to rest but realize that once it's a habit, you're going to feel better moving.

As hard as it may seem some days, lace up those sneaks and get out there.  If lacking motivation, think of Big Sir Isaac who believed in this theory so passionately, he turned it into a law;)

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