Well this past weekend was one of the best in my young life.
Activities included grocery shopping, watching tv, cooking, working out, and doing absolutely nothing.
So what the heck made it so great?
I was in the company of some of the most amazing people I have ever met. I legitimately feel HONORED that I get to be friends with such postive, kind, motivated young people. I have been in countless social situations, going to multiple schools for college, holding several jobs, and being a part of many living arrangements and have made a realization I find so incredibly important. Surrounding myself with like-minded people has not only helped me accomplish a few of my many goals but has made me a better person.
I've said before that this isn't for everyone. People will have their individual interests, hobbies, and lifestyles and I think that that's great. But for this clean-eating, health-conscious way of life, keeping like-minded people around you is vital. If you find yourself constantly downplaying your hard work, making fun of the foods you eat, or coming up with excuses to why you workout, observe who you're making these comments to. Chances are they aren't going to help you achieve your goals or support you on your way there.
There is nothing wrong with staying out late at bars and sleeping in until you roll out of bed for a cheesy breakfast sandwich, those things just don't make ME happy. Surrounding myself with people who, like me, wake up roaring and ready to go has made me a better person. I'm happier, healthier, non-apologetic for my goals and better to those around me.
The fact is, there aren't many people who enjoy this lifestyle. But they're there. It may be lonely for a while but if you stick to what makes YOU happy you will find what I have been so blessed to discover: some of the most incredible individuals that help me become the best ME I can be...and that discovery is priceless.
Love....keep up the motivation and positive vibes girls...you got it going on :)