Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear Diary

I have been using this to ENLIGHTEN the world with my whimsical fitness thoughts and forgot that I also wanted to record my own progress/status.  I think it's a good time to because the next post I put up I'll be in PREP.  Holy schnikes, finally.  People who really love competiting and go back to it time and time again secretly love prep.  The routine, the calculations, the physical progression, you have to love all that silly stuff to love the sport.

I'm doing the DFAC Boston Battle of the Naturals show on Sep. 15 which by starting Monday will allow me 5 weeks of prep.  That sounds like NOTHING compared to my last prep and what most competitors use but the fact is, that's what I need.  These past 2 months after my last show I've been eating a bit more clean food and really replenishing my little muscles.  Cut back my cardio and lifted "heavy" and my body has responded really well.  I stayed within 4-5 lbs of my stage weight and now only have a little bit to lose for this escapade.  Everybody, every BODY is different and this works for me.

I'm going to a wedding this weekend and plan on letting myself have some fun in my diet/exercise.  I'll have a few glasses of vino and eat what I want.  But the thing is, eating what I want usually means clean, well-balanced, and in serving size.  It is a lifestyle and one that makes me feel GOOD.  When I come back after the weekend I'll be ready and roaring to start my pre-contest expedition. 

There are just a few more white wine spritzers to have before then;)

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