Sunday, November 2, 2014

Positively Passionate- finding the thing that makes you ding

"HA HA!!!"



I turn my attention to my fiance and move my eyes to the TV.
Ah yes, I admire the athleticism that took.  My hips don't twist that way and my arms certainly couldn't extend that far, well done.

"Oh wow neat."



I find the most interesting, thought-provoking, conversation sparking, intriguing people are those with a passion.  Bugs, birds, beer, butter, hey whatever gets your juices flowin'.

I have had numerous conversations with people who have stumbled into this funny thing called fitness and realized heck, it's pretty cool.  They start going to weekly spin classes, begin following hashtag fitfam, and may invest in some tupperware.  They like how they feel and may want to start talking about it...maybe, they say in hushed voices, they'd "even want to compete someday."

But maybe their mom makes meatloaf every Sunday and their dad keeps filling their wine glass.  And they don't want to tell them they haven't fit into those jeans in 10 years so they take the wine and eat a plate of meat and talk about their job.
And maybe their coworkers have a cookie swap and instead of daring a new protein brownie recipe and impending staredowns, they pickup Betty Crocker and put down growing confidence.

It's a pretty interesting phenomenon but I have found many people uncertain about exploring a potential passion in fitness.  It's almost as if fitness enthusiasts are in two camps- those who love to talk about it and those who wish they could.

Colleague at happy hour- "You HAVE to go to the gym???"
Hydrated brain: (no but it makes me feel really lovely and boosts my self esteem- you should try it, maybe we can blend shakes together after!)
"No, I mean, I guess not."

Why not you?
If you like something and it makes you a better person, and you want to share your happiness, WHY NOT?
People get to be passionate about copper, cows, crystal, and cream (?)...why can't you get pumped about making oatmeal and recognizing a deltoid curve?

I understand why and I've been there myself- it's a change in identity.  It wasn't an observable piece of you before and it may take a hot second for others to jump on board.

Do it.  Passion is rare.  Finding the thing that puts a little fire in your soul and pep in your step doesn't happen everyday.
Does sharing a photo of you smashing a squat and feeling oxygen and LIFE burn in your lungs give you a smile and a piece of excitement.  Share it.
Does packing food and putting it in the office fridge next to cold cuts and cake make you feel strong and secure?  Pack it.

Point is, life is short and the things that put a little OOMPH in our hearts are rare.
If it's protein cookies, the thrill of potentially competing, feeling firm in a sweater, or anything else in the realm of fitness or health, rock it.
How seldom everyday life give us something to get fired up about, something that awakens us.

We witness passions everyday.  In paintings, on menus, in songs, and in the final 5 seconds of Patriot games...

Send it, share it, lift it, bake it, enjoy it, squat it, pin it, filter it, run it, ENJOY it.

That girl that's passionate about fitness, healthy living, and inspiring others?
Why not you?

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